Extremal Separation Problems for Temporal Instance Queries

Extremal Separation Problems for Temporal Instance Queries

Jean Christoph Jung, Vladislav Ryzhikov, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3448-3456. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/382

The separation problem for a class Q of database queries is to find a query in Q that distinguishes between a given set of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ data examples. Separation provides explanations of examples and underpins the query-by-example paradigm to support database users in constructing and refining queries. As the space of all separating queries can be large, it is helpful to succinctly represent this space by means of its most specific (logically strongest) and general (weakest) members. We investigate this extremal separation problem for classes of instance queries formulated in linear temporal logic LTL with the operators conjunction, ‘next’, and ‘eventually’. Our results range from tight complexity bounds for verifying and counting extremal separators to algorithms computing them.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: KRR: Qualitative, geometric, spatial, and temporal reasoning
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: KRR: Learning and reasoning
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: MTA: Databases