Other Former Officers

University of California, Irvine School of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
CA 92697-3435, USA +1-949-824-6556 dechter [at] ics.uci.edu
Trustee, 2019-2024
Conference Chair, IJCAI-ECAI-22

KU Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Department of Computer Science
Celestijnenlaan 200A (Room 02.26)
3001 Heverlee
BELGIUM +32 16 32 7834 luc.deraedt [at] cs.kuleuven.be
Trustee, 2019-2024,
Program Chair, IJCAI-ECAI-22

University of Technology Sydney
15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW
Australia Chengqi.Zhang [at] uts.edu.au
Trustee, 2021-2024
Conference Chair, IJCAI-24
Sponsorship Officer General, 2017-2023
Associate Sponsorship Chair Asia, 2023-2024

Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto 6 King's College Road
Toronto, Ont, M5S 3H5
CANADA +1-416-946-7174 (office)
+1-416-978-1455 (fax) fbacchus [at] cs.toronto.edu
Past President, Board of Trustees 2021-2023
President, Board of Trustees, 2019-2021
Trustee, 2014-2023
Conference Chair, IJCAI-17

Intelligent Systems Department Computer Science
Institute University of Leipzig Augustusplatz 10,
D-04109 Leipzig
GERMANY +49-341-973-2235 (office)
+49-341-973-2299 (fax) brewka [at] informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Trustee, 2013-2018
Conference Chair, IJCAI-16

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Fulton School of Engineering
Arizona State University Tempe,
Arizona 85287-5406
USA +1-480-965-0113 (office)
+1-480-965-2751 (fax) rao [at] asu.edu
Trustee, 2013-2018
Program Chair, IJCAI-16

Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Information Systems Favoriten Str. 9-11, A-1040 Vienna
AUSTRIA +43(1)58 801-18460 (office) eiter [at] kr.tuwien.ac.at
Trustee, 2016-2021
Conference Chair, IJCAI-19

Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
of the Spanish Research Council 08193 Bellaterra,
Catalonia SPAIN +34-93-580-95-70 (office)
+34-93-580-96-61 (fax) sierra [at] iiia.csic.es
Trustee, 2014-2019
Program Chair, IJCAI-17

Institut fuer Informatik
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg Georges-Koehler-Allee, Geb. 052
D-79110 Freiburg
GERMANY +49 (761) 203-8221 office +49 (761) 203-8222 fax nebel [at] ijcai.org
IJCAI Secretary-Treasurer, 2009-2021
Trustee, 1997-2003
Program Chair, IJCAI-01

Information Systems and Services
General Motors Corporation
Mail Code 482-B27-D84
200 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265-2000 USA
+1-313-969-2219 office
+1-248-852-0305 fax
rusamy [at] yahoo.com
Secretary-Treasurer, 2002-2009

National ICT Australia
Locked Bag 6016
University of New South Wales
Kensington 1466
Trustee, 2007-2015
Program Chair, IJCAI-11 Toby.Walsh [at] nicta.com.au
Trustee, 2007-2015
Program Chair, IJCAI-11

Udacity and Computer Science
Department Stanford University 353 Serra Mall, Gates Building 154
Stanford, CA 94305-9010 USA +1 (650) 723-2797 (office)
+1 (650) 725-1449 (fax) thrun [at] stanford.edu
Trustee, 2009-2016
Conference Chair, IJCAI-13

The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rothberg Engineering Building, Room A412,
ISRAEL +972-2-549-4563 (office) jeff [at] cs.huji.ac.il
Trustee, 2015-2020
Conference Chair, IJCAI-ECAI-18

Computer Science Department
+1-412-268-4801 fax
veloso [at] cs.cmu.edu
Trustee, 2003-2009
Program Chair, IJCAI-07

University of Minnesota Twin Cities 4-192 Keller Hall
200 Union St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA gini [at] umn.edu
Trustee, 2018-2023
Conference Chair, IJCAI-2021

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
200 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 01239-4307
+1-617-258-9695 office
+1-617-253-7781 fax
lpk [at] csail.mit.edu
Trustee, 2001-2007
Program Chair, IJCAI-05

Brown University
Dept. of Computer Science
Trustee, 1995-1999; Observer 1999-2001
Program Chair, IJCAI-99

College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences
Simmons University 300 The Fenway Boston,
MA 02115, USA (617) 521-3877 marie.desjardins [at] simmons.edu
Trustee, 2017-2022
Conference Chair, IJCAI-PRICAI-20

University of Technology Vienna
Institute of Information Systems
Favoritenstr. 9-11
A-1040 Vienna
+43-1-58801-18420 office
+43-1-58801-18492 fax
gottlob [at] dbai.tuwien.ac.at
Trustee, 1999-2005
Program Chair, IJCAI-03

University of Pittsburgh
Computer Science
Trustee, 1993-1997
Program Chair, IJCAI-97

University Paris
Dauphine Lamsade Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 Paris Cedex 16
FRANCE +33-1 44 05 40 21 (office) lang [at] lamsade.dauphine.fr
Trustee, 2015-2020
Program Chair, IJCAI-ECAI-18

University of Edinburgh, Dept of AI
Trustee, 1991-1995
Program Chair, IJCAI-95

Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech
rjb [at] brachman.org
Secretary-Treasurer, 1993-2002

University of Pennsylvania,
Computer and Information Science
Trustee, 1989-1993
Program Chair, IJCAI-93

University of Toronto, Computer Science
Trustee, 1987-1991
Program Co-Chair, IJCAI-91

Carnegie-Mellon University,
Computer Science
Trustee, 1983-1987
Program Chair, IJCAI-87

University of Pennsylvania
Computer and Information Science
Trustee, 1981-1985
Program Chair, IJCAI-85

University of Edinburgh
Artificial Intelligence
Trustee, 1979-1983
Program Chair, IJCAI-83

Yale University, Computer Science
Trustee, 1977-1981
Program Chair, IJCAI-81

Stanford University, Computer Science
Trustee, 1975-1979
Program Chair, IJCAI-79

Carnegie-Mellon University, Computer Science
Trustee, 1973-1977
Program Chair, IJCAI-77

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Trustee, 1971-1975
Program Co-Chair, IJCAI-75

SRI International
Trustee, 1969-1973
Program Chair, IJCAI-73

Rutgers University, USA
Trustee, 1981-1989
General Chair, IJCAI-83

University of Texas at Austin, USA
Trustee, 1969-1971
General Chair, IJCAI-71

University of Sussex, UK
Trustee, 1969-1973
General Chair, IJCAI-73

Swansea University, UK
Trustee, 1968-1971
Program Chair, IJCAI-71
Chair-Europe, IJCAI-69

University of Washington, USA
Trustee, 1968-1969
General Chair, IJCAI-69

University of Toronto, CANADA
Trustee, 1987-1991
Program Co-Chair, IJCAI-91

FMC Corporation, Central Engineering Laboratories
Trustee, 1985-1989
Program Chair, IJCAI-89

Bellcore, Morristown, NJ, USA
Secretary-Treasurer, 1969-1993
Trustee, 1968-1969, 1975-1983
General Chair, IJCAI-77
Program Chair IJCAI-69

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Trustee, 1971-1975
Program Co-Chair, IJCAI-75