Joint Source Localization in Different Platforms via Implicit Propagation Characteristics of Similar Topics

Joint Source Localization in Different Platforms via Implicit Propagation Characteristics of Similar Topics

Zhen Wang, Dongpeng Hou, Shu Yin, Chao Gao, Xianghua Li

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 2424-2432.

Different social media are widely used in our daily lives. Inspired by the fact that similar topics have similar propagation characteristics, we mine the implicit knowledge of cascades with similar topics from different platforms to enhance the localization performance for scenarios where limited propagation data leads to the weak learning ability of existing localization models. In this work, we first construct a multiple platform propagation cascade dataset, aligning similar topics from both Twitter and Weibo, and enriching it with user profiles. Leveraging this dataset, we propose a Dual-channel Source Localization Framework (DSLF) for the joint cascades with similar topics. Specifically, a self-loop attention based graph convolutional network is designed to adaptively adjust the neighborhood aggregation scheme of different users with heterogeneous features in the message-passing process. Additionally, a dual-structure based Kullback-Leibler (KL) regularization module is proposed to constrain the latent distribution space of the source probabilities of similar characteristic-level users for a similar topic, enhancing the robustness of the model. Extensive experiments across Twitter and Weibo platforms demonstrate the superiority of the proposed DSLF over the SOTA methods. The code is available at
Data Mining: DM: Networks
Data Mining: DM: Mining graphs
Data Mining: DM: Mining text, web, social media