A Fast Algorithm for MaxSAT above Half Number of Clauses

A Fast Algorithm for MaxSAT above Half Number of Clauses

Junqiang Peng, Mingyu Xiao

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1935-1943. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/214

We study the following parameterization of the MaxSAT problem: Given a CNF formula F with m clauses, decide whether at least m/2 + μ clauses in F could be satisfied, where μ is the excess of the number of satisfied clauses over the trivial lower bound m/2 and is taken as the parameter. This perspective is known as the "above guarantee" parameterization. Since its introduction by Mahajan and Raman [1999], the analysis of parameterization above guarantee has become a highly active and fruitful line of research. In this paper, we develop a new algorithm with runtime O*(2.1479^μ), significantly improving the previous best upper bound O*(5.4064^μ) for this important problem. Here, the O* notation omits polynomial factors.
Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization: CSO: Satisfiabilty
Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization: CSO: Constraint optimization problems
Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization: CSO: Constraint satisfaction
Search: S: Combinatorial search and optimisation