Defending Against Backdoor Attacks by Layer-wise Feature Analysis (Extended Abstract)

Defending Against Backdoor Attacks by Layer-wise Feature Analysis (Extended Abstract)

Najeeb Moharram Jebreel, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Yiming Li

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Sister Conferences Best Papers. Pages 8416-8420.

Training deep neural networks (DNNs) usually requires massive training data and computational resources. Users who cannot afford this may prefer to outsource training to a third party or resort to publicly available pre-trained models. Unfortunately, doing so facilitates a new training-time attack (i.e., backdoor attack) against DNNs. This attack aims to induce misclassification of input samples containing adversary-specified trigger patterns. In this paper, we first conduct a layer-wise feature analysis of poisoned and benign samples from the target class. We find out that the feature difference between benign and poisoned samples tends to be maximum at a critical layer, which is not always the one typically used in existing defenses, namely the layer before fully-connected layers. We also demonstrate how to locate this critical layer based on the behaviors of benign samples. We then propose a simple yet effective method to filter poisoned samples by analyzing the feature differences between suspicious and benign samples at the critical layer. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets are reported which confirm the effectiveness of our defense.
AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness: ETF: Trustworthy AI
Machine Learning: ML: Trustworthy machine learning
Machine Learning: ML: Robustness