From Pixels to Progress: Generating Road Network from Satellite Imagery for Socioeconomic Insights in Impoverished Areas

From Pixels to Progress: Generating Road Network from Satellite Imagery for Socioeconomic Insights in Impoverished Areas

Yanxin Xi, Yu Liu, Zhicheng Liu, Sasu Tarkoma, Pan Hui, Yong Li

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
AI for Good. Pages 7509-7517.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to resolve societal challenges, such as eradicating poverty and improving the lives of vulnerable populations in impoverished areas. Those areas rely on road infrastructure construction to promote accessibility and economic development. Although publicly available data like OpenStreetMap is available to monitor road status, data completeness in impoverished areas is limited. Meanwhile, the development of deep learning techniques and satellite imagery shows excellent potential for earth monitoring. To tackle the challenge of road network assessment in impoverished areas, we develop a systematic road extraction framework combining an encoder-decoder architecture and morphological operations on satellite imagery, offering an integrated workflow for interdisciplinary researchers. Extensive experiments of road network extraction on real-world data in impoverished regions achieve a 42.7% enhancement in the F1-score over the baseline methods and reconstruct about 80% of the actual roads. We also propose a comprehensive road network dataset covering approximately 794,178 km2 area and 17.048 million people in 382 impoverished counties in China. The generated dataset is further utilized to conduct socioeconomic analysis in impoverished counties, showing that road network construction positively impacts regional economic development. The technical appendix, code, and generated dataset can be found at
Data Mining: General
Computer Vision: General
Humans and AI: General
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: General
Machine Learning: General