A Swap Relaxation-Based Local Search for the Latin Square Completion Problem

A Swap Relaxation-Based Local Search for the Latin Square Completion Problem

Zhenxuan Xie, Zhipeng Lü, Zhouxing Su, Chu-Min Li, Junwen Ding, Yuxuan Wang

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 7047-7055. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/779

The Latin square completion (LSC) problem aims to assign n symbols to the empty cells of a partially filled Latin square such that in each row and each column, each symbol appears exactly once. In this paper, we propose a swap relaxation-based fast local search algorithm called SRLS for solving the LSC problem. First, it introduces a novel search space definition, which forbids row conflicts based on which a swap-based neighborhood is defined. Second, a color domain relaxation technique is employed in the swap-based neighborhood by temporarily accepting the violation of some constraints to connect high-quality solutions. Third, two effective scoring functions are adopted to select neighborhood moves minimizing the number of conflicting edges as well as the number of color domain violations. Finally, SRLS employs an adaptive restart mechanism to balance the exploitation and exploration of the search. Extensive experiments on 1819 public benchmark instances demonstrate that SRLS outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in the literature in terms of both success rate and computational efficiency.
Search: S: Local search
Search: S: Heuristic search
Search: S: Meta-reasoning and meta-heuristics
Search: S: Combinatorial search and optimisation