ConstrainedZero: Chance-Constrained POMDP Planning Using Learned Probabilistic Failure Surrogates and Adaptive Safety Constraints

ConstrainedZero: Chance-Constrained POMDP Planning Using Learned Probabilistic Failure Surrogates and Adaptive Safety Constraints

Robert J. Moss, Arec Jamgochian, Johannes Fischer, Anthony Corso, Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 6752-6760.

To plan safely in uncertain environments, agents must balance utility with safety constraints. Safe planning problems can be modeled as a chance-constrained partially observable Markov decision process (CC-POMDP) and solutions often use expensive rollouts or heuristics to estimate the optimal value and action-selection policy. This work introduces the ConstrainedZero policy iteration algorithm that solves CC-POMDPs in belief space by learning neural network approximations of the optimal value and policy with an additional network head that estimates the failure probability given a belief. This failure probability guides safe action selection during online Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS). To avoid overemphasizing search based on the failure estimates, we introduce Δ-MCTS, which uses adaptive conformal inference to update the failure threshold during planning. The approach is tested on a safety-critical POMDP benchmark, an aircraft collision avoidance system, and the sustainability problem of safe CO₂ storage. Results show that by separating safety constraints from the objective we can achieve a target level of safety without optimizing the balance between rewards and costs.
Planning and Scheduling: PS: POMDPs
Machine Learning: ML: Partially observable reinforcement learning and POMDPs
Planning and Scheduling: PS: Planning under uncertainty