Continual Multi-View Clustering with Consistent Anchor Guidance

Continual Multi-View Clustering with Consistent Anchor Guidance

Chao Zhang, Deng Xu, Xiuyi Jia, Chunlin Chen, Huaxiong Li

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 5434-5442.

Multi-view clustering (MVC) has recently attracted much attention. Most existing approaches are designed for fixed multi-view data, and cannot deal with the common streaming data in real world. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a consistent Anchor guided Continual MVC (ACMVC) method in a two-stage way. In initial learning stage, a low-rank anchor graph based model is constructed. In continual learning stage, to leverage the historical knowledge, the multi-level anchor information is reused to refine the model via adding consistency regularization. It not only provides prior knowledge to enhance the exploration on current data, but also captures the similarity relationship between previous and current data, enabling a comprehensive exploitation on streaming data. The proposed model can be optimized efficiently with linear time and space complexity. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method compared with some state-of-the-art approaches.
Machine Learning: ML: Multi-view learning
Machine Learning: ML: Clustering
Machine Learning: ML: Unsupervised learning
Data Mining: DM: Mining data streams