FBLG: A Local Graph Based Approach for Handling Dual Skewed Non-IID Data in Federated Learning

FBLG: A Local Graph Based Approach for Handling Dual Skewed Non-IID Data in Federated Learning

Yi Xu, Ying Li, Haoyu Luo, Xiaoliang Fan, Xiao Liu

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 5289-5297. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/585

In real-world situations, federated learning often needs to process non-IID (non-independent and identically distributed) data with multiple skews, causing inadequate model performance. Existing federated learning methods mainly focus on addressing the problem with a single skew of non-IID, and hence the performance of global models can be degraded when faced with dual skewed non-IID data caused by heterogeneous label distributions and sample sizes among clients. To address the problem with dual skewed non-IID data, in this paper, we propose a federated learning algorithm based on local graph, named FBLG. Specifically, to address the label distribution skew, we firstly construct a local graph based on clients' local losses and Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence, so that similar clients can be selected for aggregation to ensure a highly consistent global model. Afterwards, to address the sample size skew, we design the objective function to favor clients with more samples as models trained with more samples tend to carry more useful information. Experiments on four datasets with dual skewed non-IID data demonstrate FBLG outperforms nine baseline methods and achieves up to 9% improvement in accuracy. Simultaneously, both theoretical analysis and experiments show FBLG can converge quickly.
Machine Learning: ML: Federated learning
Machine Learning: ML: Classification
Machine Learning: ML: Optimization
Machine Learning: ML: Supervised Learning