Joint Input and Output Coordination for Class-Incremental Learning

Joint Input and Output Coordination for Class-Incremental Learning

Shuai Wang, Yibing Zhan, Yong Luo, Han Hu, Wei Yu, Yonggang Wen, Dacheng Tao

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 5108-5116.

Incremental learning is nontrivial due to severe catastrophic forgetting. Although storing a small amount of data on old tasks during incremental learning is a feasible solution, current strategies still do not 1) adequately address the class bias problem, and 2) alleviate the mutual interference between new and old tasks, and 3) consider the problem of class bias within tasks. In light of the above issues, we analyze the cause of class bias in incremental learning, as well as the drawbacks of existing approaches, and propose a joint input and output coordination (JIOC) mechanism to address these issues. This mechanism assigns different weights to different categories of data according to the gradient of the output score, and uses knowledge distillation (KD) to reduce the mutual interference between the outputs of old and new tasks. The proposed mechanism is general and flexible, and can be incorporated into different incremental learning approaches that use memory storage. Extensive experiments show that our mechanism can significantly improve their performance.
Machine Learning: ML: Incremental learning