Partial Optimal Transport Based Out-of-Distribution Detection for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning

Partial Optimal Transport Based Out-of-Distribution Detection for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning

Yilong Ren, Chuanwen Feng, Xike Xie, S. Kevin Zhou

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 4851-4859.

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a machine learning paradigm that utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data to enhance the performance of learning tasks. However, SSL methods operate under the assumption that the label spaces of labeled and unlabeled data are identical, which may not hold in open-world applications. In such scenarios, the unlabeled data may contain novel categories that were not presented in the labeled training data, essentially outliers. This specific challenge is referred to as the Open-set Semi-supervised Learning (OSSL) problem. In OSSL, a pivotal concern is the detection of out-of-distribution (OOD) samples within unlabeled data. Existing methods often struggle to provide effective OOD detection strategies, especially when dealing with datasets comprising a large number of training categories. In response to this challenge, we model the OOD detection problem in OSSL as a partial optimal transport (POT) problem. With POT theory, we devise a mass score function to measure the likelihood of a sample being an outlier, which enables a binary classifier for OOD detection. Further, we put forward an OOD loss, enabling the seamless integration of the binary classifier and off-the-shelf SSL methods under OSSL settings, all within an end-to-end training framework. We extensively evaluate our proposal under various datasets and OSSL configurations, consistently demonstrating the superior performance of our proposal. Codes are available at
Machine Learning: ML: Semi-supervised learning
Machine Learning: ML: Optimization
Machine Learning: ML: Robustness