Dual Expert Distillation Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

Dual Expert Distillation Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

Zhijie Rao, Jingcai Guo, Xiaocheng Lu, Jingming Liang, Jie Zhang, Haozhao Wang, Kang Wei, Xiaofeng Cao

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 4833-4841. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/534

Zero-shot learning has consistently yielded remarkable progress via modeling nuanced one-to-one visual-attribute correlation. Existing studies resort to refining a uniform mapping function to align and correlate the sample regions and subattributes, ignoring two crucial issues: 1) the inherent asymmetry of attributes; and 2) the unutilized channel information. This paper addresses these issues by introducing a simple yet effective approach, dubbed Dual Expert Distillation Network (DEDN), where two experts are dedicated to coarse- and fine-grained visual-attribute modeling, respectively. Concretely, one coarse expert, namely cExp, has a complete perceptual scope to coordinate visual-attribute similarity metrics across dimensions, and moreover, another fine expert, namely fExp, consists of multiple specialized subnetworks, each corresponds to an exclusive set of attributes. Two experts cooperatively distill from each other to reach a mutual agreement during training. Meanwhile, we further equip DEDN with a newly designed backbone network, i.e., Dual Attention Network (DAN), which incorporates both region and channel attention information to fully exploit and leverage visual semantic knowledge. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets indicate a new state-of-the-art. The code is available at github.com/zjrao/DEDN.
Machine Learning: ML: Cost-sensitive learning
Machine Learning: ML: Few-shot learning