Common-Individual Semantic Fusion for Multi-View Multi-Label Learning

Common-Individual Semantic Fusion for Multi-View Multi-Label Learning

Gengyu Lyu, Weiqi Kang, Haobo Wang, Zheng Li, Zhen Yang, Songhe Feng

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 4715-4723.

In Multi-View Multi-Label Learning, each instance is described by several heterogeneous features and associated with multiple valid labels simultaneously. Existing methods mainly focus on leveraging feature-level view fusion to capture a common representation for multi-label classifier induction. In this paper, we take a new perspective and propose a new semantic-level fusion model named Common-Individual Semantic Fusion Multi-View Multi-Label Learning Method (CISF). Different from previous feature-level fusion model, our proposed method directly focuses on semantic-level view fusion and simultaneously take both the common semantic across different views and the individual semantic of each specific view into consideration. Specifically, we first assume each view involves some common semantic labels while owns a few exclusive semantic labels. Then, the common and exclusive semantic labels are separately forced to be consensus and diverse to excavate the consistences and complementarities among different views. Afterwards, we introduce the low-rank and sparse constraint to highlight the label co-occurrence relationship of common semantics and the view-specific expression of individual semantics. We provide theoretical guarantee for the strict convexity of our method by properly setting parameters. Extensive experiments on various data sets have verified the superiority of our method.
Machine Learning: ML: Multi-label learning
Machine Learning: ML: Classification
Machine Learning: ML: Multi-view learning
Machine Learning: ML: Weakly supervised learning