Unsupervised Deep Graph Structure and Embedding Learning

Unsupervised Deep Graph Structure and Embedding Learning

Xiaobo Shen, Lei Shi, Xiuwen Gong, Shirui Pan

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 2342-2350. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/259

Graph Neural Network (GNN) is powerful in graph embedding learning, but its performance has been shown to be heavily degraded under adversarial attacks. Deep graph structure learning (GSL) is proposed to defend attack by jointly learning graph structure and graph embedding, typically in node classification task. Label supervision is expensive in real-world applications, and thus unsupervised GSL is more challenging and still remains less studied. To fulfill this gap, this paper proposes a new unsupervised GSL method, i.e., unsupervised property GNN (UPGNN). UPGNN first refines graph structure by exploring properties of low rank, sparsity, feature smoothness. UPGNN employs graph mutual information loss to learn graph embedding by maximizing its correlation with refined graph. The proposed UPGNN learns graph structure and embedding without label supervision, and thus can be applied various downstream tasks. We further propose Accelerated UPGNN (AUPGNN) to reduce computational complexity, providing a efficient alternative to UPGNN. Our extensive experiments on node classification and clustering demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method over the state-of-the-arts especially under heavy perturbation.
Data Mining: DM: Mining graphs
Machine Learning: ML: Sequence and graph learning
Machine Learning: ML: Unsupervised learning