Continual Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

Continual Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

Yang Zhang, Songhe Feng, Jiazheng Yuan

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1724-1732.

Compositional Zero-Shot Learning (CZSL) aims to recognize unseen compositions with the knowledge learned from seen compositions, where each composition is composed of two primitives (attribute and object). However, existing CZSL methods are designed to learn compositions from fixed primitive set, which cannot handle the continually expanding primitive set in real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a new CZSL setting, named Continual Compositional Zero-Shot Learning (CCZSL), which requires the model to recognize unseen compositions composed of learned primitive set while continually increasing the size of learned primitive set. Contextuality and catastrophic forgetting are the main issues to be addressed in this setting. Specifically, we capture similar contextuality in compositions through several learnable Super-Primitives that can modify the invariant primitive embedding to better adapt the contextuality in the corresponding composition. Then we introduce a dual knowledge distillation loss which aims at maintaining old knowledge learned from previous sessions and avoiding overfitting of new session. We design the CCZSL evaluation protocol and conduct extensive experiments on widely used benchmarks, demonstrating the superiority of our method compared to the state-of-the-art CZSL methods.
Computer Vision: CV: Transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning   
Machine Learning: ML: Incremental learning