Cross-Domain Feature Augmentation for Domain Generalization

Cross-Domain Feature Augmentation for Domain Generalization

Yingnan Liu, Yingtian Zou, Rui Qiao, Fusheng Liu, Mong Li Lee, Wynne Hsu

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1146-1154.

Domain generalization aims to develop models that are robust to distribution shifts. Existing methods focus on learning invariance across domains to enhance model robustness, and data augmentation has been widely used to learn invariant predictors, with most methods performing augmentation in the input space. However, augmentation in the input space has limited diversity whereas in the feature space is more versatile and has shown promising results. Nonetheless, feature semantics is seldom considered and existing feature augmentation methods suffer from a limited variety of augmented features. We decompose features into class-generic, class-specific, domain-generic, and domain-specific components. We propose a cross-domain feature augmentation method named XDomainMix that enables us to increase sample diversity while emphasizing the learning of invariant representations to achieve domain generalization. Experiments on widely used benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance. Quantitative analysis indicates that our feature augmentation approach facilitates the learning of effective models that are invariant across different domains.
Computer Vision: CV: Transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning   
Computer Vision: CV: Machine learning for vision