Ten Words Only Still Help: Improving Black-Box AI-Generated Text Detection via Proxy-Guided Efficient Re-Sampling

Ten Words Only Still Help: Improving Black-Box AI-Generated Text Detection via Proxy-Guided Efficient Re-Sampling

Yuhui Shi, Qiang Sheng, Juan Cao, Hao Mi, Beizhe Hu, Danding Wang

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 494-502. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/55

With the rapidly increasing application of large language models (LLMs), their abuse has caused many undesirable societal problems such as fake news, academic dishonesty, and information pollution. This makes AI-generated text (AIGT) detection of great importance. Among existing methods, white-box methods are generally superior to black-box methods in terms of performance and generalizability, but they require access to LLMs' internal states and are not applicable to black-box settings. In this paper, we propose to estimate word generation probabilities as pseudo white-box features via multiple re-sampling to help improve AIGT detection under the black-box setting. Specifically, we design POGER, a proxy-guided efficient re-sampling method, which selects a small subset of representative words (e.g., 10 words) for performing multiple re-sampling in black-box AIGT detection. Experiments on datasets containing texts from humans and seven LLMs show that POGER outperforms all baselines in macro F1 under black-box, partial white-box, and out-of-distribution settings and maintains lower re-sampling costs than its existing counterparts.
AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness: ETF: Trustworthy AI
Natural Language Processing: NLP: Applications