Max Markov Chain
Max Markov Chain
Yu Zhang, Mitchell Bucklew
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 5758-5767.
In this paper, we introduce Max Markov Chain (MMC), a novel model for sequential data with sparse correlations among the state variables.
It may also be viewed as a special class of approximate models for High-order Markov Chains (HMCs).
MMC is desirable for domains where the sparse correlations are long-term and vary in their temporal stretches.
Although generally intractable, parameter optimization for MMC can be solved analytically.
However, based on this result,
we derive an approximate solution that is highly efficient empirically.
When compared with HMC and approximate HMC models, MMC
combines better sample efficiency, model parsimony, and an outstanding computational advantage.
Such a quality allows MMC to scale to large domains
where the competing models would struggle to perform.
We compare MMC with several baselines with synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate MMC as a valuable alternative for stochastic modeling.
Uncertainty in AI: UAI: Bayesian networks
Uncertainty in AI: UAI: Causality, structural causal models and causal inference
Uncertainty in AI: UAI: Tractable probabilistic models