Annotated Sequent Calculi for Paraconsistent Reasoning and Their Relations to Logical Argumentation

Annotated Sequent Calculi for Paraconsistent Reasoning and Their Relations to Logical Argumentation

Ofer Arieli, Kees van Berkel, Christian Straßer

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 2532-2538.

We introduce annotated sequent calculi, which are extensions of standard sequent calculi, where sequents are combined with annotations that represent their derivation statuses. Unlike in ordinary calculi, sequents that are derived in annotated calculi may still be retracted in the presence of conflicting sequents, thus inferences are made under stricter conditions. Conflicts in the resulting systems are handled like in adaptive logics and argumentation theory. The outcome is a robust family of proof systems for non-monotonic reasoning with inconsistent information, where revision considerations are fully integrated into the object level of the proofs. These systems are shown to be strongly connected to logical argumentation.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Non-monotonic Reasoning
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Argumentation
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Common-Sense Reasoning