Solving Partially Observable Stochastic Shortest-Path Games
Solving Partially Observable Stochastic Shortest-Path Games
Petr Tomášek, Karel Horák, Aditya Aradhye, Branislav Bošanský, Krishnendu Chatterjee
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 4182-4189.
We study the two-player zero-sum extension of the partially observable stochastic shortest-path problem where one agent has only partial information about the environment.
We formulate this problem as a partially observable stochastic game (POSG): given a set of target states and negative rewards for each transition, the player with imperfect information maximizes the expected undiscounted total reward until a target state is reached. The second player with the perfect information aims for the opposite.
We base our formalism on POSGs with one-sided observability (OS-POSGs) and give the following contributions:
(1) we introduce a novel heuristic search value iteration algorithm that iteratively solves depth-limited variants of the game,
(2) we derive the bound on the depth guaranteeing an arbitrary precision, (3) we propose a novel upper-bound estimation that allows early terminations, and
(4) we experimentally evaluate the algorithm on a pursuit-evasion game.
Planning and Scheduling: Planning with Incomplete Information
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Noncooperative Games
Uncertainty in AI: Sequential Decision Making