DEEPSPLIT: An Efficient Splitting Method for Neural Network Verification via Indirect Effect Analysis

DEEPSPLIT: An Efficient Splitting Method for Neural Network Verification via Indirect Effect Analysis

Patrick Henriksen, Alessio Lomuscio

Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 2549-2555.

We propose a novel, complete algorithm for the verification and analysis of feed-forward, ReLU-based neural networks. The algorithm, based on symbolic interval propagation, introduces a new method for determining split-nodes which evaluates the indirect effect that splitting has on the relaxations of successor nodes. We combine this with a new efficient linear-programming encoding of the splitting constraints to further improve the algorithm’s performance. The resulting implementation, DeepSplit, achieved speedups of 1–2 orders of magnitude and 21-34% fewer timeouts when compared to the current SoA toolkits.
Machine Learning: Deep Learning
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: Validation and Verification