Online Selection of Diverse Committees
Online Selection of Diverse Committees
Virginie Do, Jamal Atif, Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Usunier
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 154-160.
Citizens' assemblies need to represent subpopulations according to their proportions in the general population. These large committees are often constructed in an online fashion by contacting people, asking for the demographic features of the volunteers, and deciding to include them or not. This raises a trade-off between the number of people contacted (and the incurring cost) and the representativeness of the committee. We study three methods, theoretically and experimentally: a greedy algorithm that includes volunteers as long as proportionality is not violated; a non-adaptive method that includes a volunteer with a probability depending only on their features, assuming that the joint feature distribution in the volunteer pool is known; and a reinforcement learning based approach when this distribution is not known a priori but learnt online.
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Computational Social Choice
Planning and Scheduling: Markov Decisions Processes
Planning and Scheduling: Applications of Planning