Distance Polymatrix Coordination Games
Distance Polymatrix Coordination Games
Alessandro Aloisio, Michele Flammini, Bojana Kodric, Cosimo Vinci
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3-9.
In polymatrix coordination games, each player x is a node of a graph and must select an action in her strategy set. Nodes are playing separate bimatrix games with their neighbors in the graph. Namely, the utility of x is given by the preference she has for her action plus, for each neighbor y, a payoff which strictly depends on the mutual actions played by x and y.
We propose the new class of distance polymatrix coordination games, properly generalizing polymatrix coordination games, in which the overall utility of player x further depends on the payoffs arising by mutual actions of players v,z that are the endpoints of edges at any distance h
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Algorithmic Game Theory
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