Pattern-Based Music Generation with Wasserstein Autoencoders and PRC Descriptions

Pattern-Based Music Generation with Wasserstein Autoencoders and PRC Descriptions

Valentijn Borghuis, Luca Angioloni, Lorenzo Brusci, Paolo Frasconi

Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

We demonstrate a pattern-based MIDI music generation system with a generation strategy based on Wasserstein autoencoders and a novel variant of pianoroll descriptions of patterns which employs separate channels for note velocities and note durations and can be fed into classic DCGAN-style convolutional architectures. We trained the system on two new datasets (in the acid-jazz and high-pop genres) composed by musicians in our team with music generation in mind. Our demonstration shows that moving smoothly in the latent space allows us to generate meaningful sequences of four-bars patterns.
Machine Learning: general
Human-Computer Interactive Systems: general