Vertex Weighting-Based Tabu Search for p-Center Problem
Vertex Weighting-Based Tabu Search for p-Center Problem
Qingyun Zhang, Zhipeng Lü, Zhouxing Su, Chumin Li, Yuan Fang, Fuda Ma
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 1481-1487.
The p-center problem consists of choosing p centers from a set of candidates to minimize the maximum cost between any client and its assigned facility. In this paper, we transform the p-center problem into a series of set covering subproblems, and propose a vertex weighting-based tabu search (VWTS) algorithm to solve them. The proposed VWTS algorithm integrates distinguishing features such as a vertex weighting technique and a tabu search strategy to help the search to jump out of the local optima. Computational experiments on 138 most commonly used benchmark instances show that VWTS is highly competitive comparing to the state-of-the-art methods in spite of its simplicity. As a well-known NP-hard problem which has already been studied for over half a century, it is a challenging task to break the records on these classic datasets. Yet VWTS improves the best known results for 14 out of 54 large instances, and matches the optimal results for all remaining 84 ones. In addition, the computational time taken by VWTS is much shorter than other algorithms in the literature.
Heuristic Search and Game Playing: Combinatorial Search and Optimisation
Heuristic Search and Game Playing: Heuristic Search
Heuristic Search and Game Playing: Meta-Reasoning and Meta-heuristics
Planning and Scheduling: Planning Algorithms