Evidence-Aware Hierarchical Interactive Attention Networks for Explainable Claim Verification

Evidence-Aware Hierarchical Interactive Attention Networks for Explainable Claim Verification

Lianwei Wu, Yuan Rao, Xiong Yang, Wanzhen Wang, Ambreen Nazir

Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 1388-1394. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2020/193

Exploring evidence from relevant articles to confirm the veracity of claims is a trend towards explainable claim verification. However, most strategies capture the top-k check-worthy articles or salient words as evidence, but this evidence is difficult to focus on the questionable parts of unverified claims. Besides, they utilize relevant articles indiscriminately, ignoring the source credibility of these articles, which may cause quiet a few unreliable articles to interfere with the assessment results. In this paper, we propose Evidence-aware Hierarchical Interactive Attention Networks (EHIAN) by considering the capture of evidence fragments and the fusion of source credibility to explore more credible evidence semantics discussing the questionable parts of claims for explainable claim verification. EHIAN first designs internal interaction layer (IIL) to strengthen deep interaction and matching between claims and relevant articles for obtaining key evidence fragments, and then proposes global inference layer (GIL) that fuses source features of articles and interacts globally with the average semantics of all articles and finally earns the more credible evidence semantics discussing the questionable parts of claims. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate that EHIAN not only achieves the state-of-the-art performance but also secures effective evidence to explain the results.
Data Mining: Mining Text, Web, Social Media
Natural Language Processing: Sentiment Analysis and Text Mining
Natural Language Processing: Text Classification