Domain-Dependent and Domain-Independent Problem Solving Techniques
Domain-Dependent and Domain-Independent Problem Solving Techniques
Roni Stern
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Early Career. Pages 6411-6415.
Heuristic search is a general problem-solving method. Some heuristic search algorithms, like the well-known A* algorithm, are domain-independent, in the sense that their knowledge of the problem at-hand is limited to the (1) initial state, (2) state transition operators and their costs, (3) goal-test function,
and (4) black-box heuristic function that estimates the value of a state.
Prominent examples are A* and Weighted A*.
Other heuristic search algorithms are domain-dependent, that is, customized to solve problems from a specific domain.
A well-known example is conflict-directed A*, which is specifically designed to solve model-based diagnosis problems.
In this paper, we review our recent advancements in both domain-independent and domain-dependent heuristic search, and outline several challenging open questions.
Heuristic Search and Game Playing: Heuristic Search
Constraints and SAT: Modeling;Formulation