Systematic Conservation Planning for Sustainable Land-use Policies: A Constrained Partitioning Approach to Reserve Selection and Design.
Systematic Conservation Planning for Sustainable Land-use Policies: A Constrained Partitioning Approach to Reserve Selection and Design.
Dimitri Justeau-Allaire, Philippe Vismara, Philippe Birnbaum, Xavier Lorca
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
AI for Improving Human Well-being. Pages 5902-5908.
Faced with natural habitat degradation, fragmentation, and destruction, it is a major challenge for environmental managers to implement sustainable land use policies promoting socioeconomic development and natural habitat conservation in a balanced way. Relying on artificial intelligence and operational research, reserve selection and design models can be of assistance. This paper introduces a partitioning approach based on Constraint Programming (CP) for the reserve selection and design problem, dealing with both coverage and complex spatial constraints. Moreover, it introduces the first CP formulation of the buffer zone constraint, which can be reused to compose more complex spatial constraints. This approach has been evaluated in a real-world dataset addressing the problem of forest fragmentation in New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot where managers are gaining interest in integrating these methods into their decisional processes. Through several scenarios, it showed expressiveness, flexibility, and ability to quickly find solutions to complex questions.
Special Track on AI for Improving Human-Well Being: Computational sustainability (Special Track on AI and Human Wellbeing)
Special Track on AI for Improving Human-Well Being: AI applications for Improving Human-Well Being (Special Track on AI and Human Wellbeing)