Comprehensive Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Learning

Comprehensive Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Learning

Yang Yang, Ke-Tao Wang, De-Chuan Zhan, Hui Xiong, Yuan Jiang

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 4092-4098.

Multi-modal learning refers to the process of learning a precise model to represent the joint representations of different modalities. Despite its promise for multi-modal learning, the co-regularization method is based on the consistency principle with a sufficient assumption, which usually does not hold for real-world multi-modal data. Indeed, due to the modal insufficiency in real-world applications, there are divergences among heterogeneous modalities. This imposes a critical challenge for multi-modal learning. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel Comprehensive Multi-Modal Learning (CMML) framework, which can strike a balance between the consistency and divergency modalities by considering the insufficiency in one unified framework. Specifically, we utilize an instance level attention mechanism to weight the sufficiency for each instance on different modalities. Moreover, novel diversity regularization and robust consistency metrics are designed for discovering insufficient modalities. Our empirical studies show the superior performances of CMML on real-world data in terms of various criteria.
Machine Learning: Classification
Machine Learning: Multi-instance;Multi-label;Multi-view learning