Swarm Engineering Through Quantitative Measurement of Swarm Robotic Principles in a 10,000 Robot Swarm
Swarm Engineering Through Quantitative Measurement of Swarm Robotic Principles in a 10,000 Robot Swarm
John Harwell, Maria Gini
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 336-342.
When designing swarm-robotic systems, system-
atic comparison of algorithms from different do-
mains is necessary to determine which is capa-
ble of scaling up to handle the target problem size
and target operating conditions. We propose a set
of quantitative metrics for scalability, flexibility,
and emergence which are capable of addressing
these needs during the system design process. We
demonstrate the applicability of our proposed met-
rics as a design tool by solving a large object gath-
ering problem in temporally varying operating con-
ditions using iterative hypothesis evaluation. We
provide experimental results obtained in simulation
for swarms of over 10,000 robots.
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Agent-Based Simulation and Emergence
Robotics: Multi-Robot Systems