Adaptive Ensemble Active Learning for Drifting Data Stream Mining
Adaptive Ensemble Active Learning for Drifting Data Stream Mining
Bartosz Krawczyk, Alberto Cano
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 2763-2771.
Learning from data streams is among the most vital contemporary fields in machine learning and data mining. Streams pose new challenges to learning systems, due to their volume and velocity, as well as ever-changing nature caused by concept drift. Vast majority of works for data streams assume a fully supervised learning scenario, having an unrestricted access to class labels. This assumption does not hold in real-world applications, where obtaining ground truth is costly and time-consuming. Therefore, we need to carefully select which instances should be labeled, as usually we are working under a strict label budget. In this paper, we propose a novel active learning approach based on ensemble algorithms that is capable of using multiple base classifiers during the label query process. It is a plug-in solution, capable of working with most of existing streaming ensemble classifiers. We realize this process as a Multi-Armed Bandit problem, obtaining an efficient and adaptive ensemble active learning procedure by selecting the most competent classifier from the pool for each query. In order to better adapt to concept drifts, we guide our instance selection by measuring the generalization capabilities of our classifiers. This adaptive solution leads not only to better instance selection under sparse access to class labels, but also to improved adaptation to various types of concept drift and increasing the diversity of the underlying ensemble classifier.
Machine Learning: Active Learning
Machine Learning: Time-series;Data Streams