On the Equivalence between Assumption-Based Argumentation and Logic Programming (Extended Abstract)
On the Equivalence between Assumption-Based Argumentation and Logic Programming (Extended Abstract)
Martin Caminada, Claudia Schulz
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Journal track. Pages 5578-5582.
In this work, we explain how Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA) is subsumed by Logic Programming (LP). The translation from ABA to LP (with a few restrictions on the ABA framework) results in a normal logic program whose semantics coincide with the semantics of the underlying ABA framework. Although the precise technicalities are beyond the current extended abstract (these can be found in the associated full paper) we provide a number of examples to illustrate the general idea.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Computational Models of Argument
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Non-monotonic Reasoning