Evolving AI from Research to Real Life – Some Challenges and Suggestions

Evolving AI from Research to Real Life – Some Challenges and Suggestions

Sandya Mannarswamy, Shourya Roy

Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Evolution of the contours of AI. Pages 5172-5179. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2018/717

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way from the stages of being just scientific fiction or academic research curiosity to a point, where it is poised to impact human life significantly. AI driven applications such as autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics, conversational agents etc. are becoming a reality. In this position paper, we argue that there are certain challenges AI still needs to overcome in its evolution from Research to Real Life. We outline some of these challenges and our suggestions to address them. We provide pointers to similar issues and their resolutions in disciplines such as psychology and medicine from which AI community can leverage the learning. More importantly, this paper is intended to focus the attention of AI research community on translating AI research efforts into real world deployments.
Machine Learning: Deep Learning
Machine Learning: Experimental Methodology;Replicability