Counterplanning using Goal Recognition and Landmarks

Counterplanning using Goal Recognition and Landmarks

Alberto Pozanco, Yolanda E-Martín, Susana Fernández, Daniel Borrajo

Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 4808-4814.

In non-cooperative multi-agent systems, agents might want to prevent the opponents from achieving their goals. One alternative to solve this task would be using counterplanning to generate a plan that allows an agent to block other's to reach their goals. In this paper, we introduce a fully automated domain-independent approach for counterplanning. It combines; goal recognition to infer an opponent's goal; landmarks' computation to identify subgoals that can be used to block opponents' goals achievement; and classical automated planning to generate plans that prevent the opponent's goals achievement. Experimental results in several domains show the benefits of our novel approach. 
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Multi-agent Planning
Planning and Scheduling: Activity and Plan Recognition
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Noncooperative Games
Planning and Scheduling: Distributed;Multi-agent Planning
Planning and Scheduling: Planning and Scheduling