Smarter Response with Proactive Suggestion: A New Generative Neural Conversation Paradigm
Smarter Response with Proactive Suggestion: A New Generative Neural Conversation Paradigm
Rui Yan, Dongyan Zhao
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 4525-4531.
Conversational systems are becoming more and more promising by playing an important role in human-computer communications. A conversational system is supposed to be intelligent to enable human-like interactions. The long-term goal of smart human-computer conversations is challenging and heavily driven by data. Thanks to the prosperity of Web 2.0, a large volume of conversational data become available to establish human-computer conversational systems. Given a human issued message, namely a query, a traditional conversational system would provide a response after proper training of how to respond like humans. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for neural generative conversations: smarter response with a suggestion is provided given the query. We assume that the new conversation mode which proactively introduces contents as next utterances, keeping user actively engaged. To address the task, we propose a novel integrated model to handle both the response generation and the suggestion generation. From the experimental results, we verify the effectiveness of the new neural generative conversation paradigm.
Natural Language Processing: Dialogue
Natural Language Processing: Natural Language Generation