Searching for Well-Behaved Fragments of Halpern-Shoham Logic
Searching for Well-Behaved Fragments of Halpern-Shoham Logic
Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Doctoral Consortium. Pages 5219-5220.
Temporal reasoning constitutes one of the main topics within the field of Artificial Intelligence. Particularly interesting are interval-based methods, in which time intervals are treated as basic ontological objects, in opposite to point-based methods, where time-points are considered as basic. The former approach is more expressive and seems to be more appropriate for such applications as natural language analysis or real time processes verification. My research concerns the classical interval-based logic, namely Halpern-Shoham logic (HS). In particular, my investigation continues recently proposed search for well-behaved - i.e., expressive enough for practical applications and of low computational complexity - HS fragments obtained by imposing syntactical restrictions on the usage of propositional connectives in their languages.
Artificial Intelligence: artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence: computer science
Artificial Intelligence: knowledge representation