Understanding and Measuring Collective Intelligence Across Different Cognitive Systems: An Information-Theoretic Approach

Understanding and Measuring Collective Intelligence Across Different Cognitive Systems: An Information-Theoretic Approach

Nader Chmait

Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Doctoral Consortium. Pages 5171-5172. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2017/745

We develop the idea of collective intelligence by analysing a range of factors hindering the effectiveness of interactive cognitive agents. We give insights into how to explore the potential of collectives across different cognitive systems (human, animal and machine) and research areas. The endeavour is to bridge the different research disciplines in which collective intelligence might occur and apply the studies of intelligence in AI to other fields, thereby cross-fertilising diverse areas of study ranging from business and management to social sciences and fundamental biology.
Artificial Intelligence: artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence: agents and multi-agent systems
Artificial Intelligence: cognitive science