Robotic Strategic Behavior in Adversarial Environments
Robotic Strategic Behavior in Adversarial Environments
Noa Agmon
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Early Career. Pages 5106-5110.
The presence of robots in areas containing threats is becoming more prevalent, due to their ability to perform missions accurately, efficiently, and with little risk to humans. Having the robots handle adversarial forces in missions such as search and rescue, intelligence gathering, border protection and humanitarian assistance, raises many new, exciting research challenges. This paper describes recent research achievements in areas related to robotic mission planning in adversarial environments, including multi-robot patrolling, robotic coverage, multi-robot formation, and navigation, and suggests possible future research directions.
Robotics and Vision: Robotics
Robotics and Vision: Motion and Path Planning
Robotics and Vision: Multi-Robot Systems
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Noncooperative Games