Fast Preprocessing for Robust Face Sketch Synthesis

Fast Preprocessing for Robust Face Sketch Synthesis

Yibing Song, Jiawei Zhang, Linchao Bao, Qingxiong Yang

Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 4530-4536.

Exemplar-based face sketch synthesis methods usually meet the challenging problem that input photos are captured in different lighting conditions from training photos. The critical step causing the failure is the search of similar patch candidates for an input photo patch. Conventional illumination invariant patch distances are adopted rather than directly relying on pixel intensity difference, but they will fail when local contrast within a patch changes. In this paper, we propose a fast preprocessing method named Bidirectional Luminance Remapping (BLR), which interactively adjust the lighting of training and input photos. Our method can be directly integrated into state-of-the-art exemplar-based methods to improve their robustness with ignorable computational cost
Robotics and Vision: Vision and Perception
Robotics and Vision: Robotics and Vision