Deep Supervised Hashing with Nonlinear Projections
Deep Supervised Hashing with Nonlinear Projections
Sen Su, Gang Chen, Xiang Cheng, Rong Bi
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 2786-2792.
Hashing has attracted broad research interests in large scale image retrieval due to its high search speed and efficient storage. Recently, many deep hashing methods have been proposed to perform simultaneous nonlinear feature learning and hash projection learning, which have shown superior performance compared to hand-crafted feature based hashing methods. Nonlinear projection functions have shown their advantages over the linear ones due to their powerful generalization capabilities. To improve the performance of deep hashing methods by generalizing projection functions, we propose the idea of implementing a pure nonlinear deep hashing network architecture. By consolidating the above idea, this paper presents a Deep Supervised Hashing architecture with Nonlinear Projections (DSHNP). In particular, soft decision trees are adopted as the nonlinear projection functions, since they can generate differentiable nonlinear outputs and can be trained with deep neural networks in an end-to-end way. Moreover, to make the hash codes as independent as possible, we design two regularizers imposed on the parameter matrices of the leaves in the soft decision trees. Extensive evaluations on two benchmark image datasets show that the proposed DSHNP outperforms several state-of-the-art hashing methods.
Machine Learning: Machine Learning
Machine Learning: Deep Learning
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications