Bounded Memory Adversarial Bandits with Composite Anonymous Delayed Feedback

Bounded Memory Adversarial Bandits with Composite Anonymous Delayed Feedback

Zongqi Wan, Xiaoming Sun, Jialin Zhang

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3501-3507.

We study the adversarial bandit problem with composite anonymous delayed feedback. In this setting, losses of an action are split into d components, spreading over consecutive rounds after the action is chosen. And in each round, the algorithm observes the aggregation of losses that come from the latest d rounds. Previous works focus on oblivious adversarial setting, while we investigate the harder nonoblivious setting. We show nonoblivious setting incurs Omega(T) pseudo regret even when the loss sequence is bounded memory. However, we propose a wrapper algorithm which enjoys o(T) policy regret on many adversarial bandit problems with the assumption that the loss sequence is bounded memory. Especially, for K armed bandit and bandit convex optimization, our policy regret bound is in the order of T to the two third. We also prove a matching lower bound for K armed bandit. Our lower bound works even when the loss sequence is oblivious but the delay is nonoblivious. It answers the open problem proposed in [Wang, Wang, Huang 2021], showing that nonoblivious delay is enough to incur the regret in the order of T to the two third.
Machine Learning: Online Learning
Machine Learning: Learning Theory