Residual Contrastive Learning for Image Reconstruction: Learning Transferable Representations from Noisy Images

Residual Contrastive Learning for Image Reconstruction: Learning Transferable Representations from Noisy Images

Nanqing Dong, Matteo Maggioni, Yongxin Yang, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Ales Leonardis, Steven McDonagh

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 2930-2936.

This paper is concerned with contrastive learning (CL) for low-level image restoration and enhancement tasks. We propose a new label-efficient learning paradigm based on residuals, residual contrastive learning (RCL), and derive an unsupervised visual representation learning framework, suitable for low-level vision tasks with noisy inputs. While supervised image reconstruction aims to minimize residual terms directly, RCL alternatively builds a connection between residuals and CL by defining a novel instance discrimination pretext task, using residuals as the discriminative feature. Our formulation mitigates the severe task misalignment between instance discrimination pretext tasks and downstream image reconstruction tasks, present in existing CL frameworks. Experimentally, we find that RCL can learn robust and transferable representations that improve the performance of various downstream tasks, such as denoising and super resolution, in comparison with recent self-supervised methods designed specifically for noisy inputs. Additionally, our unsupervised pre-training can significantly reduce annotation costs whilst maintaining performance competitive with fully-supervised image reconstruction.
Machine Learning: Self-supervised Learning
Computer Vision: Transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning   
Machine Learning: Multi-task and Transfer Learning
Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning