JSAI (the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) will provide travel support (100,000 - 200,000 Japanese Yen each) for ten-twenty IJCAI-97 speakers from Asian countries. Selection will be made based upon the financial situations of applicants. Students have a higher priority.
Each application should follow the same instruction as the IJCAI-97 Traveling Awards. For information regarding the JSAI suport, please contact to
Prof. Mitsuru Ishizuka (University of Tokyo)
IJCAI-97 Local Arrangement Committee, Vice Chair
Separate travel award programs are available for students and junior researchers through IJCAII and other national societies. In addition, IJCAII will continue its efforts to provide travel support to those from countries with unstable currency who would otherwise be unable to attend. Due to limited availability of IJCAII Travel Award Program funds, it is highly recommended that applicants, especially students, approach their local AI Society first for possible support. For information regarding the IJCAI-97 Travel Award Program, please contact to next address.
Priscilla Rasmussen
E-mail: rasmusse@ijcai.org
Address: IJCAI-97, c/o Priscilla Rasmussen, PO Box 5490, Somerset, NJ 08875 USA
Phone/fax: 908-445-3003
In the event that travel award applications exceed available funds, preference will be given to students who have an accepted technical paper, and then to students who are actively participating in the conference in some way.
Prof. Hidenori Itoh (Nagoya Institute of Technology)The deadline for volunteer applications is May 31, 1997.
E-mail: itoh@ics.nitech.ac.jp