Exhibitor Information


Exhibit Schedule

Exhibit Move-In August 5 - 6, 2001
Exhibits/Robots/Botball/Demos August 7 - 9, 2001
Exhibit Tear-down August 9 - 10, 2001


Exhibit Hours*

Tuesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Thursday  10 AM - 4:30 PM

*Subject to change without notice.

Booth Fees**

Commercial Vendors $22.00 per square foot
Publishers $13.00 per square foot
Nonprofits $13.00 per square foot
Univ. Research Labs $200.00 per booth

**Prices are based on 10 x 10 minimum booth size. All prices quoted are in US Dollars.



Service Contractor

IJCAI has designated GES Exposition Services as the official service contractor for IJCAI-2001.

GES Exposition Services
4060 Lind Avenue, SW
Renton, WA 98055

Phone:  425-251-6565
Fax:    425-251-9878


Union Labor will be required for certain aspects of exhibit handling, such as drayage, installation, and dismantling. Exhibitors agree to abide by existing agreements and regulations covering these services.

The Exhibitor Service Kit

IJCAI-01 Exhibitor Service Kits will be mailed to all confirmed exhibitors in May. This kit will contain additional information on contractors, services, rates, sales regulations, complete instructions, and order forms for electrical and telephone service, display and sign height limitations, union labor rules, booth descriptions and diagrams, and so forth.

Exhibitor Benefits

The Location

Seattle, Washington

Noted as the "The Emerald City," Seattle has received an unending symphony of praise. Lush greenery. Clean streets. Dazzling cuisine. Vibrant arts and music scenes. Championship sports teams. The incomparable Pike Place Market. The IJCAI-01 Exhibition will be held in Exhibit Hall 4B of the Washington State Convention & Trade Center; RoboCup-01 will be collocated in Hall 4A throughout IJCAI-01. The Center is conveniently located in downtown Seattle within a short distance of the IJCAI-01 Headquarter Hotel, Sheraton Seattle, and dozens of restaurants and shops.


Industry Sponsorships

Corporate Sponsorship opportunities for portions of the IJCAI-01 Conference are available to interested companies. Opportunities include student scholarship programs, the internet cafe, receptions, and coffee breaks. For more information, please contact the IJCAI-01 Sponsor Chair, Gary Coen, at gary.a.coen@boeing.com or visit http://www.ijcai.org.


For information regarding exhibits, housing, registrations, and other arrangements for IJCAI-01 please contact:

American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

Telephone: (650) 328-3123
Fax: (650) 321-4457


http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/ IJCAI/ijcai.html


Keri Harvey
Senior Conference Coordinator
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025

650-321-4457 (fax)


