Notification of receipt will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) by March 28, 1997.
Camera-ready copy of accepted papers must be received by the publisher in the USA by April 28, 1997. Note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work.
There they will find a title page submission form, which they can fill in, and submit. Upon submission, they will be given a unique tracking number which should be marked on the full paper submission.
Authors who do not have access to a WWW browser with forms support should mail a printed title page to the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, whose address is at the end of this Call. This title page must arrive by January 21, 1997, and should have the following format:
author: name of first author address: address of first author ... author: name of last author address: address of last author title: title of the paper abstract: abstract content areas: first area,..., last area
The abstract should be less than 200 words. Authors who submit printed title pages may omit a tracking number from the full paper. Also, authors who are submitting a printed title page, and who wish to avoid a second mailing, may mail their title pages and papers together, both to arrive by January 21, 1997.
We cannot accept title pages that are submitted by email or FAX.
AI architectures, applications, art and music, artificial life, audition, automated modeling, automated reasoning, control, belief revision, case-based reasoning, causality, cognitive modeling, common sense reasoning, computational complexity, computer-aided education, constraint satisfaction, decision theory, decision trees, design, description logics, diagnosis, discourse, discovery, distributed AI, enabling technologies, expert systems, game playing, genetic algorithms, geometric or spatial reasoning, information retrieval and gathering, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, lifelike characters, machine learning, machine translation, mathematical foundations, multiagent systems, multimedia, natural language processing, network agents, neural networks, nonmonotonic reasoning, ontologies, perception, philosophical foundations, planning, probabilistic reasoning, problem solving, qualitative reasoning, reactive control, real-time systems, reinforcement learning, robotics, scheduling, scientific discovery, search, simulation, software agents, speech understanding, syntax, temporal reasoning, theorem proving, user interfaces, virtual reality, vision
This paper has not already been accepted by and is not currently under review for a journal or another conference, nor will it be submitted for such during IJCAI's review period.
Please do not staple the title page to the body of the paper.
Detailed instructions on the required format are available from IJCAI's home page on the World-Wide-Web. In addition, macros for word processing systems have been developed to faciliate the formatting of paper submissions, and will be available from IJCAI's home page:
You can also get formatting instructions and macros by sending email to; the server will respond with instructions.
Submissions must not exceed 6 pages in camera-ready
Overlength papers will be returned without review.
Each accepted
paper will be allowed 6 pages in the proceedings; up to 2 additional
pages may be purchased at a price of $250 per page.
Authors from countries in which access to word-processing systems is
limited may submit unformatted papers.
The body of these submissions
must be at most 6200 words, including footnotes, figure
captions, tables, appendices, and bibliography.
Each half-page of figures will be counted as 500 words.
Papers longer than 6200 words will be returned without review.
Authors submitting unformatted papers must include a word count on the
first page of their paper body.
In order to make blind reviewing possible, authors should omit
their names and affiliations from the paper body.
In place of their names and affiliations, they should provide the list
of content areas and their paper's tracking number.
(Authors without access to Web browsers, who therfore did not submit
electronic abstracts, may omit the tracking number.)
Also, while the references should include all published literature
relevant to the paper, including previous works of the authors, it
should not include unpublished works.
referring to one's own work, use the third person, rather than the
first person.
For example, say "Previously, Pollack [7] has shown that...", rather
than "In our previous work [7] we have shown that...."
Try to avoid including any information in the body of the paper or
references that would identify the authors or their institutions.
Such information can be added to the final camera-ready version for
The decision of the Program Committee, taking into consideration the
individual reviews, will be final and cannot be appealed.
Papers selected will be scheduled for presentation and will be printed
in the proceedings.
Authors of accepted papers, or their representatives, are expected to
present their papers at the conference.
Review Process
Papers will be subject to blind peer review: reviewers will not be aware
of the identities of the authors.
Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity
and significance of results and the quality of the presentation.
Paper Submissions and Inquiries
The American Association for Artificial Intelligence will be providing
administrative support to the IJCAI-97 Program Committee.
Paper submissions should be sent to the address below. Note that it is
essential that the first line of the address be "IJCAI-97".
Please send program suggestions and inquiries to:
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3496 USA
Prof. Martha Pollack, Program Chair
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
FAX: +1-412-624-5249
Last modified: Jan 12 23:59:06 1997