The goal of the tutorial is to introduce the audience to a disciplined
approach to developing knowledge based systems based on
the CommonKADS methodology. The course is intended for
knowledge engineers and other technical specialists interested
in methods for developing knowledge based systems. On
completion, the audience will understand the benefits of modelling
knowledge as an intermediate step between knowledge
acquisition and implementation; know how to produce a set of
knowledge models by following the CommonKADS methodology;
be able to identify the task types of potential and actual KBS
applications; and understand the basis of good design decisions.
An awareness of popular knowledge representation and inferencing
techniques is expected. Some knowledge of KBS development tools and a
small amount of programming experience is also desirable.
Prerequisite Knowledge
Andre Valente
is a computer scientist at the USC Information Sciences Institute. Prior
to his work at ISI he participated, at the University of Amsterdam, in
the design of the Common KADS methodology and the CommonKADS Library in
particular. He has also worked for major industrial corporations,
performing applied research and development in knowledge engineering. He
holds a Ph.D. (Computer Science) from the University of Amsterdam
(1995). His research interests are knowledge engineering, knowledge
acquisition, and planning.
About the Lecturers
John Kingston is a Senior Computer Scientist within the Knowledge Engineering Methods Group at the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute (AIAI), University of Edinburgh. He has developed several commercial knowledge based systems, presented a range of commercial training courses, and provided consultancy on knowledge based systems in the UK, Europe and the USA. He also publishes frequently, and was awarded first prize for Best Technical Paper at the BCS Expert Systems '93 conference for a paper on applying the CommonKADS methodology.