
Proceedings Abstracts of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Applying Max-Sum to Asymmetric Distributed Constraint Optimization / 432
Roie Zivan, Tomer Parash, Yarden Naveh

We study the adjustment and use of the Max-sumalgorithm for solving Asymmetric Distributed ConstraintOptimization Problems (ADCOPs). First, we formalize asymmetric factor-graphs and apply the different versions of Max-sum to them. Apparently, in contrast to local search algorithms, most Max-sum versions perform similarly when solving symmetric and asymmetric problems and some even perform better on asymmetric problems. Second, we prove that the convergence properties of Max-sum ADVP (an algorithm that was previously found to outperform other Max-sum versions) and the quality of the solutions it produces are dependent on the order between nodes involved in each constraint, i.e., the inner constraint order (ICO). A standard ICO allows to reproduce the properties achieved for symmetric problems, and outperform previously proposed local search ADCOP algorithms. Third, we demonstrate that a non-standard ICO can be used to balance exploration and exploitation, resulting in the best performing Max-sum version on both symmetric and asymmetric standard benchmarks.